Remain Beautifully Wrinkle Free

Melissa Feldman

Laugh lines, crow’s feet, wrinkles across the forehead, those dreaded ‘scowl’ lines between our eyes – while these have all developed over time from the repetitive facial expressions that are a natural part of life,...

An Overnight System To Boost Your Bedtime Routine

Melissa Feldman

The Daily Hydration System (PM) is a collection of four quality Solvaderm treatments that are specifically designed to work overnight. While the system is perfect for older individuals with dry and damaged skin in need...

Essential Wrinkle Repair Routine for Every Age

Melissa Feldman

Solvaderm’s Targeted Wrinkle Repair System is the ultimate bundle for anyone wishing to eliminate major signs of aging on their skin. Consisting of five high quality Solvaderm treatments, this comprehensive system provides a complete anti-aging...

Effective and Easy Makeup Tips for Oily Skin

Melissa Feldman

Keeping your makeup in place on a slick surface is quite a challenge. You apply your cosmetics in the morning, and by your second cup of coffee it’s smeared, smudged, or completely non-existent. If this...

5 Surprising Benefits of Having a Oily Skin

Melissa Feldman

It’s probably hard to believe there’s anything beneficial about oily skin, especially when you’re the one struggling with a greasy face day in and day out. But, there are many benefits to having an oily...

10 Quick Oily Skin Dos and Don’ts

Melissa Feldman

While it might seem like a huge task to tackle your oily skin, especially if you’re prone to major outbreaks and blemishes, there are a few golden rules you need to follow which will, over...

Anti-Aging Beauty Secrets for Oily Skin

Melissa Feldman

A common misconception among women who have oily skin is that they don’t have to worry about wrinkles and premature signs of aging. While having added oils in your skin may slow the onset of...

Effective Ingredients for Oily Skin

Melissa Feldman

Here’s a rundown of our favorite ingredients to combat oily skin. Skincare products containing a combination of these will prove to be highly effective at achieving a balanced complexion free of excess grease and shine....

Signs of Dry Skin

Melissa Feldman

Most of us experience dry skin at some point in our lives. Dry skin on our faces can be particularly disheartening, however, as it can look unsightly and also be very uncomfortable. Dryness can lead...

Skincare Routine for Dry Skin

Melissa Feldman

Skin feeling parched these days? Itchy, tight, irritated? A skincare routine designed specifically for dry skin will help alleviate these symptoms and quench dehydrated skin. Follow these basic steps and you’ll soon see a vibrant,...

Effective Tips to Deal with Severe Dry Skin

Melissa Feldman

Most of us experience bouts of dry skin, especially in the winter months when we’re exposed to cold temperatures and the arid heat inside. But some of us fall victim to severely dry skin that...

Ingredients to Avoid for Dry Skin - Learn More Here

Melissa Feldman

We use skincare products to improve our skin, not make it worse! But some face washes, moisturizers, and other treatments we buy have ingredients that cause irritation, dry our skin even further, or are harmful...