Are you bothered by forehead wrinkles? We understand that they can get in the way of your skin goals, so let’s dive into the causes and signs of wrinkles on the forehead and how you can avoid and eliminate them.

What are Wrinkles?

Wrinkles are creases or fine lines that form on the skin. Although they are widely considered a cosmetic turn-off, wrinkles are part of the natural aging process. Wrinkles are caused by a variety of factors that lead to the gradual loss of collagen and elastin, which are core skin components that ensure skin firmness and elasticity.

Common parts of the body where you can easily find wrinkles include the face, neck, and hands, or parts where the skin is usually exposed to the sun and experiences a lot of movement.

What is Forehead Wrinkles?

Forehead wrinkles are lines or creases that appear on the forehead, usually due to aging. They are also called "worry lines" or "expression lines." These wrinkles are mainly due to several factors, such as the loss of skin elasticity from aging, repetitive facial expressions, and exposure to environmental factors like ultraviolet rays.

With time, these factors contribute to making the skin on the forehead less supple, causing wrinkle formation when facial muscles contract. Although forehead wrinkles are a common sign of aging, they can also be influenced by genetics and lifestyle factors.

What are the Early Signs of Forehead Wrinkles?

1. Fine lines

If you start noticing fine lines on forehead, you might be on the brink of wrinkling. The fine lines may be due to repetitive forehead movements.

2. Skin texture changes

You can observe some changes in the skin's texture as forehead wrinkles begin to emerge. The skin may feel less smooth and supple, with unevenness and tiny ridges in the affected area.

3. Loss of skin elasticity

With forehead wrinkles, one of the major early signs is a loss of skin elasticity. As you age, your skin becomes less capable of returning to its original state after being stretched.

4. Dryness

The appearance of fine lines is worsened when the skin loses its moisture, appearing parched and dehydrated.

5. Increased sensitivity

The aging process may increase in the affected area by making it more sensitive and vulnerable to environmental elements like UV radiation and pollution.


What Causes Forehead Wrinkles?

1. Aging

The primary cause of forehead wrinkles is aging. As we age, the reduction in collagen and elastin, which provides structural support, leads to the formation of fine lines and wrinkles, including those on the forehead.[1]

2. Sun exposure

Prolonged and unprotected exposure to UV rays contributes to forehead wrinkles significantly. UV rays can accelerate collagen and elastin breakdown, causing premature aging and wrinkle development.

3. Smoking

Smoking constricts blood vessels, reducing the skin's oxygen and nutrient supply, which can result in premature aging. Smoking also leads to the release of harmful chemicals that break down collagen and elastin.[2]

4. Dehydration

Inadequate hydration can result in dry, parched skin, making it more prone to wrinkling. Dehydrated skin lacks the moisture necessary for a plump and smooth appearance.

5. Genetics

Studies show that genetic factors play a role in determining an individual's susceptibility to wrinkles. If your parents or grandparents tended to develop wrinkles early in life, you may inherit a similar genetic predisposition.[3]

6. Stress

Stress triggers the release of hormones like cortisol, which can impair collagen production, hastening aging.[4]

7. Lifestyle choices

A diet lacking in essential nutrients can impact skin health, and excessive alcohol consumption can dehydrate the skin.

8. Environmental factors

Forehead wrinkles are linked to prolonged exposure to UV radiation, air pollution, and free radicals, which break down collagen and elastin fibers.

9. Poor skincare habits

Inadequate moisturizing, cleansing, and protection against UV rays contribute to wrinkle formation.

10. Dry skin

As mentioned earlier, dehydrated skin loses its elasticity, accentuating fine lines.

Lifestyle Changes To Reduce Forehead Wrinkles

Here are some lifestyle changes you can adopt to get rid of forehead wrinkles:

  • Sun protection: Reduce long sun exposure and use sunscreen regularly. UV rays are one of the main causes of premature aging. Thus, protective clothes and big hats with a wide brim are strongly recommended.

  • Staying hydrated: Proper hydration is essential for healthy skin. Make sure that you drink enough water so that your skin can be hydrated and smooth.

  • A healthy diet: Include antioxidants, vitamins, and mineral-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, which help skin health by boosting collagen production.[5]

  • No smoking: Smoking leads to premature aging and can even have you wrinkling at an early age.

  • Stress management: Uncontrolled stress causes wrinkling. Indulge in stress reduction mechanisms like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises.

  • Sufficient sleep: Sufficient sleep provides the skin time to recover and revive from its ordeal. Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep every night.

  • Moderate alcohol intake: Frequently drinking a lot of alcohol can rob the skin of its moisture, encouraging premature aging. Drink moderately.[6]

  • Regular exercise: Exercise improves blood circulation and, in turn, nourishes the skin.

How to Get Rid of Forehead Wrinkles?

1. Use moisturizers

Good skin care practices, such as using moisturizers like Infusoderm Deep Hydration Daily Moisturizer will help keep your skin moist and prevent dryness. As part of your daily skincare routine, apply some moisturizer on your forehead and anywhere else you want to get rid of wrinkles.

2. Use anti-wrinkle cream

Using skin care products with anti-wrinkling or anti-aging products such as retinoids and antioxidants will help combat wrinkling.[7] A good product to consider is the Stemuderm Anti-Wrinkle Dermatological Treatment, which contains amino acids, peptides, and other natural ingredients to slow down aging and prevent wrinkling.

3. Stop smoking

Smoking causes the release of harmful substances in the body that lead to the breakdown of collagen and elastin fibers. When you quit smoking, you get to preserve your skin's firmness and elasticity and maintain a wrinkle-free forehead.

4. Use serum

Serums are skin care formulations that contain ingredients such as green tea, ferulic acid, vitamin C, and vitamin E.[8] They are quickly absorbed into the facial skin to prevent wrinkles and fine lines. Stemnucell Dermal Regeneration Serum is a serum skin care product that helps against wrinkles.

5. Manage stress levels

Studies have linked increased stress levels to early aging. Stress causes the release of cortisol, a stress hormone that leads to the breakdown of collagen fibers in the skin. You can keep off those forehead wrinkles and lines by managing your stress levels.

6. Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated will keep your skin supple and firm. Ensure you drink enough water daily, about 3.7 liters for men and 2.7 liters of fluids a day for women, as recommended by experts.[9]

7. Eat a balanced diet

The role of healthy meals cannot be overemphasized in the journey to a wrinkle-free forehead. Eat more fruits and vegetables and avoid fatty and processed foods.


Treatment Options for Forehead Wrinkles

Here are forehead wrinkle treatment options you can explore:

  • Botox (botulinum toxin): Studies show that botox injections help to relax the muscles that cause creases at the forehead for a better appearance.[10]

  • Dermal fillers: Dermal fillers involve the injection of fillers that are either hyaluronic acid or collagen to puff out the wrinkles and lines.[11]

  • Chemical peels: Peels involve applying a chemical solution on your skin that exfoliates and stimulates your skin to produce collagen, minimizing the appearance of wrinkles.[12]

  • Laser therapy: The use of fractional laser or IPL (intense pulse light) treatments can encourage a new production of collagen and improve skin texture.[13]

  • Micro-needling: Micro-needling involves the controlled use of fine needles to create micro-injuries under the skin to stimulate collagen production.[14]

Frequently Asked Questions

What age is it normal to get forehead wrinkles?

Wrinkling usually begins in your mid-twenties but may not be so visible until your mid-thirties to forties.

What are the primary causes of forehead wrinkles?

The natural aging process and repetitive facial movements of the muscles are the primary causes of forehead wrinkles.

Is it possible to get rid of forehead wrinkles completely?

While completely eliminating forehead wrinkles may be impossible, it can be improved depending on age and the severity. A 2021 study showed that mild to moderate wrinkling was improved using a line-targeting peptide serum.

Does drinking water reduce forehead wrinkles?

Yes, it does. Research reveals that drinking water improves skin hydration and improves elasticity.[15]


Knowing how to get rid of forehead wrinkles and implementing certain practices in your routine is a form of self-care. Your skin habit contributes wholly towards preventing, minimizing, and managing forehead wrinkles.

Everything from sun protection and hydration to eating a balanced diet and developing healthy habits has the power to fight against forehead wrinkles.

So, by combining these strategies with professional treatments as and when needed, you are sure to maintain your smoother-looking, healthier skin in a comprehensive manner.

Embracing skincare is more than just a beauty regimen but a commitment towards self-care and soundness so that your skin ages gracefully.


1] Harvard T.H. Chan. Collagen. The Nutrition Source. Published May 26, 2021.
2] Yazdanparast T, Hassanzadeh H, Nasrollahi SA, et al. Cigarettes Smoking and Skin: A Comparison Study of the Biophysical Properties of Skin in Smokers and Non-Smokers. Tanaffos. 2019;18(2):163-168.
3] Hamer MA, Pardo LM, Jacobs LC, et al. Facial Wrinkles in Europeans: A Genome-Wide Association Study. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2018;138(8):1877-1880. doi:
4] Zouboulis CC, Blume-Peytavi U, Kosmadaki M, et al. Skin, hair and beyond: the impact of menopause. Climacteric. 2022;25(5):1-9. doi:
5] Rusu ME, Fizeșan I, Vlase L, Popa DS. Antioxidants in Age-Related Diseases and Anti-Aging Strategies. Antioxidants. 2022;11(10):1868. doi:
6] Genetic study provides evidence that alcohol accelerates biological aging | University of Oxford.
7] Zasada M, Budzisz E. Retinoids: active molecules influencing skin structure formation in cosmetic and dermatological treatments. Advances in Dermatology and Allergology. 2019;36(4):392-397. doi:
8] Nguyen TQ, Zahr AS, Kononov T, Ablon G. A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Clinical Study Investigating the Efficacy and Tolerability of a Peptide Serum Targeting Expression Lines. The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology. 2021;14(5):14-21.
9] Seal AD, Colburn AT, Johnson EC, et al. Total water intake guidelines are sufficient for optimal hydration in United States adults. European Journal of Nutrition. Published online August 9, 2022. doi:
10] De Boulle K, Carruthers A, Solish N, et al. OnabotulinumtoxinA Treatment for Moderate to Severe Forehead Lines. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open. 2020;8(3):e2669. doi:
11] Chiang YZ, Pierone G, Al-Niaimi F. Dermal fillers: pathophysiology, prevention and treatment of complications. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. 2016;31(3):405-413. doi:
12] Soleymani T, Lanoue J, Rahman Z. A Practical Approach to Chemical Peels: A Review of Fundamentals and Step-by-step Algorithmic Protocol for Treatment. The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology. 2018;11(8):21-28.
13] Heidari Beigvand H, Razzaghi M, Rostami-Nejad M, et al. Assessment of Laser Effects on Skin Rejuvenation. Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences. 2020;11(2):212-219. doi:
14] Alqam M, Wamsley CE, Hitchcock TM, Jones Brian C, Akgul Y, Kenkel JM. Efficacy and tolerability of a microneedling device for treating wrinkles on the face. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. 2022;22(1):206-213. doi:
15] Akdeniz M, Tomova‐Simitchieva T, Dobos G, Blume‐Peytavi U, Kottner J. Does dietary fluid intake affect skin hydration in healthy humans? A systematic literature review. Skin Research and Technology. 2018;24(3):459-465. doi:

Dr. Ahmed Zayad

Dr. Ahmed Zayad

Dr. Zayed, has years of experience in the field and has been contributing to public health awareness. Dr. Ahmed Zayed holds a baccalaureate of Medicine and Surgery. Egypt. Dr. Zayed believes in providing knowledgeable information to readers. His articles were featured on many websites like HuffingtonPost, Chicagotribune . Other than his passion for writing, Dr. Zayed spends his time outside the hospital, either reading or at the gym.

Written by Dr. Ahmed Zayad

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